By upgrading various accessories and components a 125 Micro MAX engine configuration can be easily converted to a 125 MAX configuration.
The product range consists of the traditional chain drive engines (125 Micro MAX to 125 MAX) without gearbox and the innovative top class, chainless - direct drive engine (125 MAX DD2) with 2 speed gearbox.
The engines are developed and designed specifically for short kart race tracks (600 - 1.500 meter length).
All BRP-Rotax kart engines are offered as a complete „power pack“ which includes all components that have an influence on the function, performance or durability of the engine.
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LSR Motorsports, Inc. 1018 Culver Place South Bend, IN 46616 - ph 574-532-6180
Your CRG Dealer & information specialist for the Great Lakes Region.